Windows 8.1 Activation Crack

KMSPico v10.0.5 is an Offline KMS Activator that emulates a KMS server in the memory of your computer and sends activation data back and forth attempting to activate volume versions of Windows and Office. This is the fastest, safest & easiest way for activating Windows & Office Products.

Requirements: .NET 4.0 or Windows 8/2012.

  • Windows Vista Business/N/Enterprise/N
  • Windows 7 Professional/N/Enterprise/N
  • Windows 8 All
  • Windows 8.1 All
  • Windows 10 Technical Preview Build 9841/9860/9888/9926 All
  • Office 2010/2013
  • Windows Server 2008/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/2008R2/Standard/Datacenter/Enterprise/
  • Windows Server 2012/Standard/Datacenter/2012R2/Standard/Datacenter
  • Windows Server Technical Preview Build 9841/9860/9926 All

Instructions :

1. Run KMSpico_setup.exe
2. Install it.
3.1 (Optional) Create a tokens backup with the button: Create.
3.2 Press the Red Button.

Recommendations Optional:

- Make exceptions to Directory %ProgramFiles%\KMSpico\*.exe in Antivirus or Defender.

How This Program Works:
  • Install KMSpico in Windows.
  • Create Shortcuts for KMSpico.
  • Run automatically KMSELDI.
  • Make Tokens Backup.
  • Detect VL or Retail and depending of the License Status activate or convert to VL.
  • Activate for 180 days all VL products found.
  • Install a windows service that reactive every windows start.
  • Create a task schedule for AutoPico to run every 24 hours.

RAR File
2.8 MB


  1. This sounds like a very helpful tool for activating Windows and Office products.
